2 the little sentinel, Tuesday, July 7. 1981 today Judge sentences Groveland man to life in prison for 1980 murder A Lake County Circuit Court judge sentenced an 18-year-old Groveland man to life in prison Monday and ordered one of his co-defendants, a 15-year-old Groveland boy, to be in court Wednesday for sentencing for the October 1980 murder of a Clermont mechanic. Lake Circuit Judge Jackson O. Brownlee ordered Jesse Lare Ferrell, of Brannon Trailer Park, Groveland, to spend a minimum of 25 years in prison before being considered for parole. Ferrell, Ralph Edwin Brown, 15, of 158 Mount Pleasant Road, Groveland, and Lloyd Eugene Amos, 16, of Groveland, all are charged with the Oct.
16, ents of children in child care centers who qualify for financial aid. Two agencies have been dropped from the list of United Way agencies the Boy's Club and Hopeline, a telephone referral service. County to review fee increase 1980, beating death of Ordell A. Jaeger, Clermont. Public Works Director Jaeger, who had been reported missing by friends, Mike Willett said Monday was found buried in a shallow grave behind his re- the increased fee schedmote rural home.
ule he will present to Ferrell and Brown were arrested in Fort Lauderdale commissioners is the one shortly after Jaeger's body was discovered. They recommended by the were driving Jaeger's Volkswagen. Southern Standard BuildBoth Brown and Ferrell pleaded guilty on March 25 ing Codes, a set of stanto their part in the killing. Ferrell pleaded guilty to dardized building specififirst-degree murder and Brown to second-degree cations in use throughout murder. the Southeastern United The third defendant, Amos, is scheduled for jury States.
trial in August, but that trial may not take place. The new building perDuring pretrial depositions, Amos gave prosecu- mit fees would conform to tors a sworn statement detailing the murder of fee schedules in use by Jaeger. various cities in Lake Mike Willett In his deposition, Amos told prosecutors the trio County and by some sur- first bludgeoned and then strangled Jaeger with a length of clothesline before placing his body in a shallow grave they had dug beforehand. The motive, he said, was to get a car for Ferrell to visit his girlfriend in Fort Lauderdale. Amos was captured in Stuart, driving a car he said he stole in Fort Lauderdale; he is being held in the Lake County Jail without bond.
Scott Bowman, chief. investigator for the Lake County state attorney's office, Monday acknowledged Amos' assistance and said the charges against him would be "disposed of" sometime after Brown's sentencing. United Way sets $185,000 budget The Lake and Sumter County United Way organization has added five new agencies to the list of social service groups the annual fund drive supports and dropped two. This year United Way has set a $185,000 budget for its first combined fund drive which begins in September. The combined budget is about 33 percent higher than last year's Lake County goal of Lake United Way collected nearly $135,000 last year.
Sumter County has its own board of directors but the fund drive will be coordinated through the Lake County United Way headquarters in Leesburg. The new agencies include: the Lake County Association for Retarded Citizens, Lake County Council on Aging, Retired Senior Volunteer Program, Family Violence, Lake County Community Child Care and Emergency Family Services. They join the dozen agencies that the United Way has been supporting during its 16-year history in Lake County. The council on aging is planning a center in the Leesburg area in the near future. Family Violence is a program that will not be in operation until January, according to Mrs.
Knowles. It will be a counseling service for abused spouses. "They are planning to get a local shelter for abused wives in Lake and Sumter. Right now they have to go to the shelter in Marion County," said Mrs. Knowles.
The community child care center is a new organization which will act as a screening agency for par- The Lake County Commission today will review a proposed increase in building permit fees that would more than double the cost of building permits, and would increase building department fee revenues from $200,000 to more than $500,000. Mike Willett rounding counties, Willett said. Willett's report comes about three weeks after Commissioner Claude Smoak Jr. said during budget sessions that Lake County building fees are too low and should be raised to make the building department self-supporting. Smoak said the building fees should be raised so the additional revenue could be used to offset the cost of salaries in the building department.
Willett also will report to the commission on the relative costs of operating the county's landfills compared to the fees collected. Commissioners earlier had suggested those fees might be raised. Also on the agenda for today's 9 a.m. meeting: A public hearing on a revised county ordinance setting standards for recreational vehicle parks in the county. Included are requirements for 10-foot setback lines in lots, standardized sizes for screened-in areas and allowances for storage buildings, which had been banned in the parks.
An appearance by Neal Huebsch, representing RLC who will ask the commission for a waiver of rules governing subdivisions. Earlier in the year, Huebsch had been turned down in his request for the same variance. The subdivision is near Lake Dalhousie outside of Umatilla. A discussion by George Southward, of the Florida Department of Community Affairs' Bureau of Land and Water Management, on plans to turn the Green Swamp over to local control. Designation of a portion of the swamp as an area of "critical concern" will run out on July 1, 1982.
Pettitt to present budget proposal Lake County School Superintendent Carl Pettitt will present next year's proposed budget to the school board at 10 a.m. today. The board will meet in a special session to get Pettitt's budget proposal. The county school system represented nearly a $40 million operation during the past budget year. The new budget year for the school system begins Oct.
1. The next regular meeting of the school board is set for 10 a.m. July 14 rather than its regular time of 7 July TW TE 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 WEDNESDAY Alcoholics Anonymous, 8:30 p.m., closed discussion, St. Andrew's Anglican Catholic Church, 2851 S. Bay Eustis.
Alcoholics Anonymous and Alanon, p.m., St. Paul's Catholic Church, 1330 W. Sunshine Leesburg. Alcoholics Anonymous, 8 p.m., Eustis Crossroads Beginners Group, 115 Citrus between North Grove Street and Eustis Avenue. TOPS (for women), 11 a.m., Morrison United Methodist Church, Leesburg.
TOPS, 7 p.m., Javens Circle, Mount Dora. Eustis Jaycees, 8 p.m., Eustis Gun Club Umatilla Duplicate Bridge Club, 10:30 a.m., community building. Florida State Employment Service representative, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Lake County Manpower Office, (CETA) 900 E. Alfred Tavares.
RV Twirlers Square Dance Club, 8 p.m., new recreation building in RV Park on State Road 452, Eustis. Free blood pressure readings, 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m., lobby, Leesburg General Hospital. Howey Men's Club, noon, Mission Inn and Country Club. Lake Area Chapter of the Retired Officers Association, 6 p.m., social hour, 7 p.m.
dinner meeting, Silver Lake Country Club, Leesburg. Leesburg Welcome Wagon Club, 10 a.m., First Federal Savings and Loan Association, 800 W. North Leesburg. THURSDAY Lake County Farmer's Market, 8 a.m., Lake County Fairgrounds, Eustis. Alcoholics Anonymous, 8:30 p.m., closed discussion, Union Congregational Church, Old U.S.
Highway 441, Tavares. TOPS, 6:30 p.m., Morrison United Methodist Church, Leesburg. TOPS, 7 p.m., Baggage Room of Depot, Mount Dora. Golden Triangle Squares, 8 p.m., Eustis Community Center, 601 N. Bay Eustis.
Webster Weight Watchers, 7 p.m., city hall. Weight Watchers of Central Florida, 6:30 p.m., Lake Square Mall Community Room, Leesburg. Golden Triangle Civitan Club, 7 a.m., Emporium Restaurant, Tavares. Leesburg Tourist and Shuffleboard Club, 6 p.m., dinner, Community Center, Leesburg. Tavares Rotary Club, 7:30 a.m., breakfast meeting, Tavares Civic Center.
Free blood pressure readings, 9 to 11 a.m. and 2 to 4 p.m., emergency department, Leesburg General Hospital. Weight Watchers of Central Florida, 6:30 p.m., Lake Square Mall Community Room, Leesburg. Story Hour for preschoolers, 10 to 11 a.m., Tavares Public Library. LAKE EDITION BILL BOND, County Editor JUDY ANDERSON, Advertising Manager EDITORIAL, ADVERTISING OFFICES: Tavares, 720 Burleigh 343-9200; Clermont, 300 E.
Highway 50, 394- 3212 CIRCULATION OFFICES: Leesburg, 787-7998; Tavares, 720 Burleigh 343-5611 CLASSIFIED-WANT ADS: Tavares, 720 Burleigh 1- 800-432-6868.