Savannah-Chatham County Public Schools announce closures in anticipation of Debby (2024)

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August 04, 2024

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Press Release from SCCPSS: Schools in operation for half day on Monday, closed Tuesday and Wednesday

Edited ByConnect Savannah Staff

SCCPSS officials continue to monitor the track of Tropical Storm Debby in consultation with the Chatham Emergency Management Agency and information from the National Weather Service. The current track of the storm is expected to bring dangerous weather conditions to our area mainly in regard to rains which forecasters say could be at historic levels and lead to flooding throughout our community.

Due to the expected impacts of Tropical Storm Debby on our area this week, Savannah-Chatham County Public Schools will operate on a half-day schedule tomorrow, Monday, Aug. 5 with dismissal times as follows:

Monday, Aug. 5: SCCPSS Early Dismissal Times
11:30 a.m. - High Schools (except Building Bridges), Mercer MS, Godley K-8/Wings ES/Building Bridges MS, Learning Academy @ Jenkins
11:40 a.m. - Middle Schools (except Mercer) and Building Bridges HS, Wings
12:15 p.m. - Ellis, Garrison, IOH, Georgetown, Hesse, New Hampstead K-8, Learning Academy @ IOH, Pulaski K-8, Bloomingdale
1:15 p.m. - Elementary Schools, Rice Creek

Tuesday and Wednesday, Aug. 6-7: SCCPSS Closure
All SCCPSS schools will be closed on Tuesday, Aug. 6 and Wednesday, Aug. 7 as this storm moves through. Students will not report to school on Tuesday, Aug. 6 or Wednesday, Aug. 7 and there will be no required remote learning during this time.

While all buildings and District facilities will be closed for in-person activities, certain staff who are designated by their immediate supervisor will be required to report to work during this closure.

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The School District will maintain regular contact with the Chatham Emergency Management Agency to monitor storm impacts. Facility and operational assessments will be made after the danger has passed to ensure the safety of all buildings before students and staff return.

Normal school operations are expected to resume Thursday, Aug. 8. Should this change in any way, official information will be communicated through the District’s call notification system, email, district website, and social media channels on Facebook and Twitter. Parents and Staff should monitor our official communication channels for additional information.


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Once again, schools will operate on a half day schedule Monday, Aug. 5 and students will not report to school on Tuesday, Aug. 6 or Wednesday, Aug. 7 due to the anticipated impacts associated with Debby. All buildings and District facilities will be closed for in-person activities. Please monitor, our social media channels, and all district calls and emails for more information on operational changes as the storm moves through our area.

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Savannah-Chatham County Public Schools announce closures in anticipation of Debby (2024)


How many schools are in Savannah Chatham County? ›

Overview of Savannah-Chatham County

Savannah-Chatham County contains 60 schools and 35,925 students.

What time do Chatham County schools get out? ›

Elementary SchoolsBell TimesBreakfast
Southwest9:15 AM - 4:00 PM8:55 AM - 9:15 AM
West Chatham9:15 AM - 4:00 PM8:55 AM - 9:15 AM
White Bluff9:15 AM - 4:00 PM8:55 AM - 9:15 AM
Windsor Forest9:15 AM - 4:00 PM8:55 AM - 9:15 AM
17 more rows

What is the racial makeup of Chatham County Georgia? ›

The 5 largest ethnic groups in Chatham County, GA are White (Non-Hispanic) (46.8%), Black or African American (Non-Hispanic) (39.5%), Two+ (Non-Hispanic) (3.25%), Asian (Non-Hispanic) (2.86%), and White (Hispanic) (2.32%).

What is the oldest public school in Savannah GA? ›

When it opened in 1856, Massie was Savannah's first public school.

How are Chatham County schools? ›

Chatham County Schools is an above average, public school district located in PITTSBORO, NC. It has 9,129 students in grades PK, K-12 with a student-teacher ratio of 15 to 1.

How many high schools are in Chatham County, North Carolina? ›

Chatham County Schools contains 4 high schools.

What is Chatham County district code? ›

District Name: Savannah-Chatham County schools for this districtNCES District ID: 1301020
Mailing Address: 208 Bull St Savannah, GA 31401Physical Address: 208 Bull St Savannah, GA 31401
Type: Regular local school districtStatus: Open
Supervisory Union #: N/AGrade Span: (grades PK - 12) PK KG 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
3 more rows

What is the ranking of the schools in Savannah Chatham County? ›

Savannah-Chatham Schools Receive Local, State, and National Rankings from U.S. News & World Report
  • Savannah Arts Academy - #1 SCCPSS / #14 GA / #423 National.
  • Woodville-Tompkins - #2 SCCPSS / #85 GA / #3,245 National.
  • Savannah Early College - #3 SCCPSS / #126 GA / #5,115 National.
Mar 28, 2024

How many schools are in Chatham Kent? ›

Chatham-Kent has more than 50 elementary and secondary schools that provide youth with quality education in great communities.

How big is the Chatham County Schools? ›

Chatham County Schools is an above average, public school district located in PITTSBORO, NC. It has 9,129 students in grades PK, K-12 with a student-teacher ratio of 15 to 1.

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Name: Melvina Ondricka

Birthday: 2000-12-23

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Job: Dynamic Government Specialist

Hobby: Kite flying, Watching movies, Knitting, Model building, Reading, Wood carving, Paintball

Introduction: My name is Melvina Ondricka, I am a helpful, fancy, friendly, innocent, outstanding, courageous, thoughtful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.