How To Make Makeup Remover Wipes (2025)

How To Make Makeup Remover Wipes (1)

Using just a few simple, natural ingredients you can make your very own makeup remover wipes, completely free of toxins and harmful chemicals that you do not want on your face. These DIY makeup remover wipes are moisturizing and remove all of your makeup – from mascara to foundation!

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Just like I talked about in my homemade baby lotion post and my wool dryer ball post, conventional makeup remover wipes from the store can contain some nasty chemicals that you don’t want on your skin and being absorbed into your body.

The ingredients in conventional makeup remover wipes can leave your skin dry and irritated. To preserve the shelf life of makeup removing wipes the manufacturers use preservatives, so you could be exposing your skin to formaldehyde-releasing chemicals commonly found in preservatives.

How To Make Makeup Remover Wipes (2)

I use these handy homemade makeup remover wipes to remove my eye makeup and do a quick swipe across the rest of my face before washing my face with castor and jojoba oils. I use the oil cleansing method for washing my face and it has done wonders for my skin. Don’t get me wrong, my skin isfarfrom perfect, but it has come such a long way. Looking back now I wish I had known about the oil cleansing method when I was a teenager. I was making my acne and complexion so much worse by using those terrible, drying, chemical-laden face cleansers marketed to teenagers. My skin has a little glow, it is moist and I rarely get breakouts anymore. I’ll have to share my skin care story in another post…

How To Make Makeup Remover Wipes (3)

Let’s take a look at the ingredients in these makeup remover wipes:

  • Coconut Oil – Fractionated

Oh coconut oil, how much do I love thee? Let me count the ways. But seriously. Coconut oil is actually the best. You can cook with it, bake with it, use it on your skin, use it on your pets…the list is seemingly endless. In this recipe, I use fractionated coconut oil which means it is liquid at room temperature versus regular coconut oil that is solid at 76 degrees. Fractionated coconut oil has had the long-chain fatty acids removed and just this one change makes it liquid at room temperature and great for recipes where you don’t want the coconut oil hardening up.

It’s benefits to the skin?Coconut oil is naturally antibacterial, antifungal and very moisturizing. It is full of fatty acids and especially high in lauric acid. High in vitamin E and is very soothing to the skin.

  • Dr. Bronner’s Castile Soap – Baby Unscented

Castile soap is another jack of all trades in the natural living world. You can make hand soap, body wash, face wash, baby wash and the list goes on and on. I only use the unscented baby version in self-care products, because it’s ingredients are mostly different types of oils and those are safe for use around the eyes. This ingredients is what makes a huge difference between these makeup remover wipes and the ones at Target. These little wipes actuallycleanseyour skin. The coconut oil helps to dissolved makeup, dirt and oil and the castile soap cleanses.

  • Vitamin E Oil

I like to use a few drops of vitamin E oil because it is high in antioxidants and very healing to the skin.

As I mentioned above, these little makeup remover pads beat their competition because

  1. They don’t contain any chemicals
  2. Doesn’t strip your skin of it’s natural and beneficial oils
  3. Actually dissolves oil, makeup and dirt
  4. The big one – it CLEANSES

How I like to use my makeup remover wipes:

At the end of the day, I take a wipe and hold it over my eye with my eyes closed, then once it has sat there for 10 seconds or so I gently rub it around on my eyes to finish removing my eye makeup. Repeat for other eye. Then I flip the wipe over and use the other side to wipe the rest of my face. It removes foundation without a problem or if you’re not a foundation kinda gal, it will gently cleanse the oil and dirt off your face. After I have done that I get a fresh wash cloth and run it under really hot water. Get it nice and hot(but not so hot it burns you!) and hold it over my face for 10 seconds or so. Kind of like a steam facial…ahh…it feels amazing. Really. You should try it. Then I gently use the warm wash cloth to wipe my face and voila – my face is completely clean and feels soft and moisturized – not dry, tight and stripped of all oil. I like to finish by washing my face with oils, but that is my personal preference.

How To Make Makeup Remover Wipes (4)

How To Make Makeup Remover Wipes:

Combine ingredients in glass jar. Stir. Add Cotton rounds and press them down so they absorb the water. Keep adding more cotton rounds as long as there is more liquid to be absorbed.

How To Make Makeup Remover Wipes (5)


For just a few dollars and 3 minutes of your time, you can have a healthier alternative to makeup removing wipes! I plan to make some jars and give them to my sisters and Mom for Christmas this year – I just love these makeup remover wipes and I hope you do to!

Thanks for stopping by!

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How To Make Makeup Remover Wipes (7)


Hey! I am Kristin! I have been married to my husband Scott for 12 years. Together we have 4 amazing kids that we home educate. You can find me on any given day cooking our meals from scratch, working on perfecting my sourdough loaves, filming my latest YouTube videos, crafting or dreaming up our next diy or home renovation project, or best of all, spending quality time with my kids, my family and my friends.

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How To Make Makeup Remover Wipes (2025)
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Author: Duane Harber

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Name: Duane Harber

Birthday: 1999-10-17

Address: Apt. 404 9899 Magnolia Roads, Port Royceville, ID 78186

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Job: Human Hospitality Planner

Hobby: Listening to music, Orienteering, Knapping, Dance, Mountain biking, Fishing, Pottery

Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.